
corporate image 公司形象,公司給人的印象。

corporate spying

Dr . edmond cheng emphasized “ good corporate governance can enhance the corporate image of an enterprise , which may also lead to new market development and expansion . 鄭博士補充說:擁有良好企業管治的機構,有助提高其企業形象,客戶覺得其認受性大,對開拓新市場亦有幫助。

Operation and maintenance serves as a guarantee for network carriers to serve users , and is also related to the service quality and corporate image of telecom enterprises 5網管及維護運營維護是網絡運營商為用戶提供服務的保障,同時也關系到電信企業服務質量和企業形象。

The cyberport post office features an innovative layout and contemporary interior design that accentuates hongkong post s dynamic , customer - friendly corporate image 數碼港郵政局陳設新穎,其充滿現代感的內部設計,把香港郵政與時并進、以客為本的機構形象展露無遺。

It devoted to it build it is modern enterprise , it establish “ people first , sincerity first “ enterprise idea , innovative refinement , make the brand - new corporate image 致力于建設現代企業,樹立“以人為本、誠信第一”的企業理念,創新求精,打造全新的企業形象。

The findings discovered that the relationship quality was influenced by corporate image and service quality , further affects the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty 研究結果發現,服務品質及企業形象正向影響關系品質,進而正向影響顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度。

Enterprise is the design of publicity materials in the day - to - day corporate image in the work of the specific application and is constantly fullness corporate image process 企業宣傳畫冊的設計是企業形象在日常工作中的具體應用,是不斷豐滿企業形象的過程。

The postmaster general , mr luk ping - chuen said , “ the new north point post office has a new layout and design which accentuate hongkong post s progressive corporate image 香港郵政署長陸炳泉說:新郵政局設計新穎,突顯出香港郵政積極進取的機構形象。

The acting postmaster general , mr . allan chiang said , “ this new post office has a new layout and design which accentuate hongkong post s progressive corporate image 署理香港郵政署長蔣任宏說:新郵政局設計新穎,突顯出香港郵政積極進取的機構形象。

Fig4 . casual style still conflicts with most of corporate images , so do not use the plastic briefcases with cartoon figures on them when meeting your clients 圖四:現在是流行休閑,但要在你的客戶前保持公司形象,還是不要用那種有卡通圖案的塑料文件包。

The companies , through involvement in the community , can build their corporate image , motivate staff , and encourage a sense of belonging to the company 至于商業公司,可透過參與社會服務而建立形象、激勵員工士氣和歸屬感、提升人力資源和生產力。

We will be better planning and management , better service to create a good corporate image , providing the customers with better quality pefect services 我們將以更佳的策劃和管理、更佳的服務創造良好的企業形象,為客戶提供更優質、完善的服務。

Worldpecker is a pioneer in public welfare undertakings and implementation of the division to help customers establish a good corporate image and good reputation 啄木鳥是公益事業的開拓者和執行師,幫助客戶樹立出色的企業形象和良好的口碑。

Kib simple corporate image design agency is a professional commitment to provide a full range of chinese enterprises brand solutions design agency Kib簡約企業形象設計機構是一家專業致力于為中國企業提供全方位品牌形象解決方案的設計機構。

Huahong is primarily engaged in the planning of public arts , communications of cultural industry ( artists and arts works ) , and corporate image designs 深圳市華弘創展文化傳播有限公司主要從事公共藝術策劃、文化產業傳播以及企業形象推廣。

Help you resolve to create a relaxed corporate image , promotional products encountered by the high cost of marketing and publicity narrow regional issues 幫您輕松解決在樹立企業形象,宣傳產品時所遇到的營銷成本高,宣傳區域窄等問題。

From the point of view of experiential marketing , the interactive relationship between the corporate image and experiential marketing is theoretically studied 摘要從體驗營銷的角度,闡述了珠寶體驗營銷對珠寶企業形象戰略的影響。

“ the new tin yuet post office has adopted a new layout and design which accentuates hongkong post s progressive corporate image 陸署長又說:天悅郵政局的內部間隔和柜位均采用嶄新設計,凸顯香港郵政進取的機構形象。

Innovative products , quality skilled , and we erected credibility , based on perfect , and creating corporate image and meet customer needs 產品新穎、質量過硬、我們豎立誠信、立足完美、打造企業形象、滿足客戶需求。

Employed management consulting firm to undergo improvement of enterprise interior . in full - scale enhance corporate image and service quality 聘請企管顧問公司進行企業體質改善,全面提升企業形象及服務品質。